“Mathematical mixtures”: disciplines, epistemic genres and systems of practices in the (early) modern world
March 13, 2018 - March 15, 2018
Institute for Research in the Humanities, ICUB, University of Bucharest
Dimitrie Brandza str. 1
Bucureşti RO-060102
Arianna Borrelli
Technical University of Berlin
Hasok Chang
Cambridge University
David Marshall-Miller
University of Iowa
Cesare Pastorino
Technische Universität Berlin
Friedrich Steinle
Technical University of Berlin
Ovidiu Babeș
University of Bucharest
Dana Jalobeanu
Univesity of Bucharest
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The seventh edition of the Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Science will focus on the interplay between quantification, practice(s) and the emergence of new epistemic genres in the early modern period (broadly conceived). We are especially interested in the several ways in which debates on epistemic genres and disciplinary boundaries contributed to the shaping of new “forms of mathematization” from the 16th century to the 18th century (and beyond).
December 10, 2017, 7:00am EET
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