CFP: XII Inter-University Workshop on Mind, Art and Morality: Language and Power

Submission deadline: January 19, 2018

Conference date(s):
May 22, 2018 - May 23, 2018

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, University of Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain

Topic areas


The Inter-University Workshop on Mind, Art and Morality promotes the interconnections across different areas in philosophy and, in particular, the study of issues lying at the intersection of ethics, aesthetics and the philosophy of mind. In previous editions, the Workshop has been devoted either to the production of a particular philosopher, including Gregrory Currie, Richard Wollheim, Jonathan Dancy, Christine Korsgaard, Shaun Nichols, David Filkenstein, Malcolm Budd, and Dan Zahavi; or to explore topics such as the Cognitive Value of Literature, the Philosophy of Music (Peter Kivy, Noël Carroll or Derek Matravers), Self-Knowledge (David Filkenstein and Sarah Sawyer), and Art and Negative Emotions (Susan Feagin and Eileen John).  On the 2018 edition, we intend to focus on issues having to do with the connection between language and power. We will examine issues such as hate speech and freedom of speech, silencing, pejorative terms, hermeneutical injustice and discursive injustice, political speech, dangerous speech, dog-whistles, racial fig-leaves, and semantic externalism and public meanings.

Invited Speakers: Matthew Chrisman (Edinburgh), Deborah Mühlebach (Basel), David Plunkett (Dartmouth), Jennifer Saul (Sheffield).

Call for Papers: We invite submissions on any aspect of the current debate on Language and Power. Authors should submit an extended abstract (1500 words) by January 20th, 2018. Submissions should be submitted by EasyChair ( The layout of the manuscript should accommodate anonymous refereeing (i.e. name and address on a separate sheet, and not repeated in the text). Notification of acceptance should be expected by the beginning of March 2018.

Organizers: Esa Díaz León (Barcelona), Teresa Marques (Barcelona).

Scientific Committee

María José Alcaraz
Paloma Atencia-Linares
Bianca Cepollaro
Josep Corbí
Manuel García-Carpintero
Iñigo González
José Luís Martí
Serena Olsaretti
Francisca Pérez Carreño
Anna Christina Ribeiro
Josefa Toribio
Jesús Vega Encabo
Neftalí Villanueva
Dan Zeman  

Sponsored by: Spanish Research Council via grants FFI2015-73767-JIN and RYC-2012-10900; Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy (SEFA); University of Barcelona.

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