CFP: Conceptions of Life in German Idealism and Romanticism
Submission deadline: May 31, 2018
Conference date(s):
December 6, 2018 - December 7, 2018
Conference Venue:
Department of Germanic Studies and Department of Philosophy, University of Sydney
Call for Papers: The Society for German Idealism and Romanticism is inviting submissions for the 2018 Annual SGIR Conference to be held at the University of Sydney (December 5-7) on the theme of "Conceptions of Life in German Idealism and Romanticism." The SGIR welcomes papers on all aspects of the the notion of "life," from its role in Hegel's Science of Logic to "natural ends" in Kant; from natural and cultural conceptions of life (e.g. qua Bildung), such as can be found in Goethe or Hölderlin's thought to Schelling's philosophy of nature. We will give preference to those papers that specifically and directly take up an account of the role that the idea of "life" plays in the thought of the Idealists and Romantics. Talk time for submitted papers will be 30 minutes with 15 minutes for Q&A. As such, submissions should be 4-5,000 words. SGIR membership is required prior to paper submission. Membership is free (see homepage of the SGIR website).
The submission deadline is 1 June, 2018. Email submissions to [email protected]
The double-blind review process will conclude at the end of July and decisions will be announced in the first week of August.
Graduate student submissions will be considered for the annual SGIR Graduate Paper Award.
Keynote Speakers:
Frederick Beiser (Syracuse University)
Kristin Gjesdal (Temple University)
Invited Speakers:
Camilla Flodin (Uppsala University)
Ina Goy (University of Tübingen)
Simon Lumsden (University of New South Wales)
Jennifer Mensch (Western Sydney University)
Karen Ng (Vanderbilt University)
Paul Redding (University of Sydney)
Gerad Gentry (University of South Carolina and Yale University)
Cat Moir (University of Sydney)
Dalia Nassar (University of Sydney)
This conference is jointly hosted by the Department of Germanic Studies and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Sydney.
Custom tags:
#German Romanticism, #German Idealism, #History of Modern Philosophy, #Germanic Studies, #Conceptions of Life, #Purposiveness, #Natural End, #Teleology, #Bildung