CFP: GWP 2019: The German Society for Philosophy of Science
Submission deadline: July 31, 2018
Conference date(s):
February 25, 2019 - February 27, 2019
Conference Venue:
University of Cologne
Topic areas
For submission via EasyChair see:
Contributed papers are invited to all fields of philosophy of science. Contributed papers will be clustered into parallel sessions focusing on particular themes or special sciences.
We welcome proposals for individual papers (30 min plus 10 min discussion) or symposia (3 speakers in a combined 2-hour session). Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit proposals for either individual papers or symposia. All proposals have to be submitted electronically through the EasyChair system. Please note that first time users have to register as users of EasyChair.
Proposals for individual papers: Please submit your proposal for an individual paper either as an “extended abstract” or as an attached PDF (especially if it contains formal symbols), but not both. Proposals for papers should include the title and abstract (up to 500 words). Please ensure that your abstract does not contain information that communicates your identity to the reviewers. Fill in the author information into the "Author Information" box; this information will not be accessible to the reviewers. All submissions will be subjected to a blind refereeing procedure.
Symposium proposals: Submit your proposal for a symposium as an attached PDF. Symposia proposals should include the symposium title, a description of the symposium’s rationale (up to 500 words) and for each of the 3 speakers the title and abstract (up to 500 words). Please prepare your symposium proposal for blind review. Fill in the author information into the "Author Information" box for all three speakers of the symposium (and for the organizer if (s)he is different from the speakers); this information will not be accessible to the reviewers. The organizer of the symposium should be the corresponding author (check the box).
No one will be permitted to present more than one paper at the GWP.2019. The recommended conference language is English, but German contributions will also be considered. If you are a graduate student, please indicate this by adding "(graduate student)" in the field "organization" of "Author information" after the name of your organization.
For submission via EasyChair see:
Conference website:
The deadline for all submissions is: July 31, 2018.
Expected notification of acceptance by the beginning of November 2018.