Alabama Philosophical Society
12 Via Luna Drive
United States
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Papers in any area of philosophy are welcome. Submissions should include an abstract (100 words), they should be prepared for blind review, and they should not exceed 3,000 words.
The APS typically accepts a limited number of undergraduate papers each year. A prize will be awarded for the best submission from an undergraduate studying at a university in Alabama. In addition to a $100 cash award, the winner will receive a complimentary one-night stay at the conference hotel. To ensure consideration for the award, please include the phrase “undergraduate essay competition” at the beginning of your submission, and submit it via your university email account.
All submissions must be e-mailed by August 1, 2018; send it in DOC, RTF, or PDF format to [email protected]. Please watch for updates. Inquiries should be directed to APS Vice-President Chelsea Haramia at
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