Plato's Pleasures: New Perspectives
K0.20 King's Building, King's College London
United Kingdom
- King's College London, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- British Society for the History of Phiosophy
- The Mind Association
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This conference aims to provide an occasion for developing interpretations of Plato’s views on pleasure that counterbalance the dismissive readings dominating the secondary literature in the past half-century. Recent work on the dialogues that offer a theory of pleasure – Republic, Timaeus, Philebus – as well as dialogues that contain substantial passages on pleasure and pain – Gorgias, Protagoras, Phaedo – has been more sympathetic and sophisticated than the harshly critical received view. Plato’s Pleasures: New Perspectives will bring together leading scholars on pleasure in ancient philosophy with the hope of generating not only more charitable readings of Plato’s thought on pleasure but also a reassessment of how his thought may inform contemporary debates on this subject.
August 14, 2018, 12:30pm BST
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