Southern California Student Conference in Aesthetics
Serra Hall, 200
5998 Alcalá Park
San Diego
United States
- American Society for Aesthetics
- USD Humanities Center
- USD Values Institute
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Conference Schedule
Friday 1-1:30 – welcome coffee 1:30-2:30—Raciel Cuevas (Temple) “Nature’s Spoiled Darlings: Kant’s Genius and Aesthetic Responsibility” Comments from Kathleen Connelly (UCSD) 2:45-3:45 Alexandra Grundler (UCSC) “Interest in the Imagination: Loving Nature and Engaging in Art with Moral Character” Comments from Taylor Doran (UC Riverside) 4-5:30—Keynote Address, A.W. Eaton, Title TBD 5:30-6:30—Reception Saturday 8:30-9—welcome coffee 9-10— Jennifer Head (USC) “The Good, the Sad, and the Ugly: A Challenge for Aesthetic Expressivism?” Comments from Tom Hanauer-Rehavia (UC Riverside) 10:15-11:15—Angela Sun (Michigan) “Pretentiousness” Comments from Daniela Dover (UCLA) 11:30-12:45—Hannah Kim (Stanford) “Why it Might Be True That an Abstract Artifact Smokes a Pipe: A Case for Representational Artifact Theory” Comments from Laura Nicoara (USC) 12:45-2 Lunch (catered) 2-3—Zachary Weinstein (Toronto) “Rethinking the Cognitive Value of Art” Comments from Mary Devereaux (UCSD) 3:15-4:15—Daniel Pallies (USC) “What is an Acquisition of Taste?” Comments from Jonathan Cohen (UCSD) 4:30-5:45—Panel Discussion, “Current and Future Work in Aesthetics,” A.W. Eaton, Nick RIggle, Clinton Tolley 6:30-9—Conference DinnerThis conference, to be held November 16-17, 2018 at the University of San Diego, is organized by Nick Riggle (University of San Diego) and Clinton Tolley (University of California, San Diego). Featured keynote speaker for the conference will be A.W. Eaton, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Illinois, Chicago.
The conference will support and promote graduate and undergraduate work in aesthetics, primarily but not exclusively for students in the general Southern California region. The Call for Papers invites students to submit papers of approximately 4000 words, along with abstracts of no more than 300 words. The deadline for submission will be August 31, with decisions made shortly after and no later than the end of September.
After anonymous review of the submissions, seven student papers will be selected with travel support of up to $300 each, provided by the ASA grant. Each student paper will be scheduled for a one-hour session to include presentation by the student of the paper, followed by commentary by a southern California-area faculty member or graduate student, and discussion. In addition, the conference will include a panel discussion on current trends in aesthetics with Professors Riggle, Tolley, and Eaton.
Papers to be presented will be distributed to registered participants before the meeting to encourage more thorough-going discussion with the presentators and commentators. Additional information will be posted on the ASA web site as soon as available.
Sponsored by the American Society for Aesthetics, USD Values Institute, and the USD Humanities Center
This is a student event (e.g. a graduate conference).
November 9, 2018, 4:00am CST
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