Early Career Workshop in History and Philosophy of Physics
1008 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh
Pittsboro 15260
United States
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The event will immediately precede a workshop on Quantum Field Theories, taking place on April 12-13, 2019.
The history and philosophy of physics is an intellectually diverse field which has become increasingly engaged with issues of interest to contemporary practicing physicists.
One of the driving forces of this intellectual diversity has been early career philosophers, historians, and physicists exploring topics of foundational import in a broad range of subfields of physics, such as cosmology and astrophysics, particle physics, quantum gravity, and condensed matter physics, in addition to more traditional issues in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and spacetime physics. In several cases, historians and philosophers have contributed directly to methodological debates taking place within the physics community. This workshop aims to bring together early career scholars in the history and philosophy of physics working on these and related topics.
Keynote Speaker:
Katherine Brading, Duke University
Organizing Committee:
Kerry McKenzie (UCSD)
Casey McCoy (Edinburgh)
Michael Miller (Toronto)
Laura Ruetsche (Michigan)
Jennifer Whyte (Pittsburgh)
Porter Williams (USC)
For more info:
Cheryl Greer [email protected]
Sponsored by the Center for Philosophy of Science
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