Quantum Field Theory: Then and Now
1008 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh
United States
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The event immediately follows a workshop for Early Career History & Philosophy of Physics, taking place on April 11-12, 2019.
Quantum field theory has been with us, in one form or another, for almost a century. Since the middle of the 20th century, it has been increasingly ubiquitous in many areas of physics, providing the theoretical framework for the Standard Model of particle physics and underlying models in fields as far-flung as early universe cosmology and condensed matter physics. Yet, many important questions about the history and conceptual foundations of quantum field theory remain unsettled. This workshop aims to begin answering some of those questions. We will consider how examination of the historical development of quantum field theory can shape our interpretation of the theory, and reflect on possible ways that the conceptual and mathematical foundations of the theory can reveal promising paths for further development.
Alexander Blum
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Arianna Borrelli
Technische Universitat Berlin
Anthony Duncan
University of Pittsburgh
Arthur Jaffe
Harvard University
Kerry McKenzie
University of California, San Diego
David Wallace
University of Southern California
Organizing Committee:
Kerry McKenzie (UCSD)
Casey McCoy (Edinburgh)
Michael Miller (Toronto)
Laura Ruetsche (Michigan)
Jennifer Whyte (Pittsburgh)
Porter Williams (USC)
For more info:
Cheryl Greer [email protected]
Sponsored by the Center for Philosophy of Science
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