CFP: Truth and Relativism in Ancient Philosophy
Submission deadline: January 9, 2019
Conference date(s):
June 19, 2019 - June 21, 2019
Conference Venue:
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen
Topic areas
Submissions on the topics of truth and relativism in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy are invited.
- submissions should be made through Easychair (;
- you will need to register for an Easychair account; when registering for an account, please ensure that you give your contact details correctly. Please give your full name, affiliation, and other details.
- detailed abstracts of up to 1000 words should be submitted by Wednesday 9th January 2019.
- the abstract should be attached as a .PDF file (attach your abstract in PDF form when EasyChair asks you to 'upload the paper').
- Easychair also requires that you provide some keywords and there is the possibility of offering a shortened abstract.
- the abstract uploaded in PDF form should be suitable for anonymous review.