CFP: 3rd Turkish Congress of Aesthetics
Submission deadline: April 10, 2019
Conference date(s):
May 23, 2019 - May 25, 2019
Conference Venue:
SANART Association of Aesthetics and Visual Culture
Topic areas
May 23-25, 2019
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
3rd Turkish Congress of Aesthetics is scheduled to be held on 23rd – 25th of May 2019, at METU Culture and Convention Center in Ankara, Turkey. The congress is organized by SANART Association of Aesthetics and Visual Culture, in cooperation with Ankara University Department of Philosophy, Middle East Technical University Departments of Philosophy, Architecture, Music and Fine Arts. We warmly welcome scholars and artists submit proposals for paper presentations, panels, and workshops, and share valuable experiences with scholars and students working in different fields of aesthetics.
SANART Turkish Congresses of Aesthetics aim to bring together scholars from Turkey and other countries, strengthen relationships and establish a strong network among them, create a lively and productive environment to discuss contemporary ideas in the field and thus contribute to the development of the discipline.
You are invited to submit abstracts of maximum 500 words to the 3rd Turkish Congress of Aesthetics by visiting the congress web site: The language of the Congress is Turkish and English. The proposed session titles are listed below, but the content of the congress will not be limited to these topics. Applications from all areas of aesthetics will be evaluated.
- Literature and Aesthetics
- City, nature, and countryside
- Architecture and aesthetics
- Body and aesthetics
- Visual culture
- Film and narrative
- Museum, memory, and archive
- New technologies
- Media and Communication
- Populism, politics, and aesthetics
- Everyday life
- Music and performing arts
- Ethics, aesthetics, and values
Important Dates:
Deadline for Abstract Submission: April 10, 2019
Notification of Acceptance: April 25, 2019
Registration Fees:
Registration Fee for Delegates from Turkey: 400 TL
SANART Members: 200 TL
(Click Here to become a SANART MEMBER)
Registration Fee for International Delegates: 75 Euros
Student Fee: 100 TL / 50 Euros
Custom tags:
#SANART, #Ankara