CFP: Festschrift in Honour of Matthew Kramer

Submission deadline: March 31, 2019

Topic areas


A workshop will be organized on July 1–3, 2019 at Churchill College, Cambridge, in honour of Professor Matthew Kramer’s 60th birthday. The workshop will be open to everyone. Confirmed contributors include Ian Carter, Hillel Steiner, Brian Bix, Wil Waluchow and David Brink. The resulting papers will be published as a Festschrift.

Though the workshop lineup is already settled, there is room in the Festschrift for 1–2 additional contributions that address any area of Kramer’s work. We are especially looking for contributions from junior scholars (PhD students and recent postdocs). Those wishing to be considered should submit the following materials to [email protected] by March 31, 2019:

  • abstract (up to 500 words)
  • CV (up to 2 pages)

The deadline for the submission of the final papers will be confirmed at a later date, but it will likely be in late 2019.

With best wishes,
Visa Kurki & Mark McBride

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