Communications in Science
part of: Revolution and Evolution: Models of Change in Science, Culture and SocietyNizhny Novgorod 603022
Dear Colleagues,
We kindly invite you to participate in the round table Communications in Science, planned to be held within the All-Russian Conference Revolution and Evolution: Models of Change in Science, Culture and Society on November 29 – December 1 2019 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
The round table is a sharing zone focused on discussions related to interactions between scientists and scientific communities, research areas, traditions and approaches, including communications between scientists and other social actors – representatives of government agencies, business, educational and other public institutions, as well as “ordinary citizens” (communicating science to lay audiences). T
he thematic area embraces a range of aspects related to communications in science – epistemological, historical, social, ethical, etc. Among proposed topics are today’s formats of scientific collaborations including digital researcher’s networking (social networks, online crowdsourcing and open innovation platforms, etc.).
Another subject suggested for discussion is the concept of trading zone (originally introduced by P. Galison) and its application to communications in science, e.g. in interdisciplinary projects.
We welcome roundtable proposals particularly in (but not limited to) the above themes. The round table working language will be English.
We warmly invite philosophers, science studies researchers and other scholars interested in the proposed topics.
In December 2019 or March 2020 we are also planning to publish a special issue on Communications in Science in the Digital Scholar: Philosopher‘s Lab, a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.
Please confirm your interest to participate in this round table.
Also we are looking forward to your proposals with the title and abstract (150 – 300 words) till April 1, 2019. Please note that paper proposals will be submitted directly to round table organizer to the email: [email protected] to Svetlana Shibarshina.
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#Philosophy of Science events, #Philosophy, #Epistemology, #History of Science, #Social Philosophy, #Mediaphilosophy, #Communications in Science