CFP: European Journal of Analytic Philosophy, Special issue on Free Will and Epistemology: Transcendental Arguments for Freedom

Submission deadline: May 31, 2019

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Call for Papers. Free Will and Epistemology: Transcendental Arguments for Freedom.

European Journal of Analytic Philosophy.  Deadline for submissions has been changed to May 31, 2019. Guest editors László Bernáth, Timothy O'Connor, and András Szigeti. 

Transcendental arguments, sometimes referred to as “Epicurean” or “Peritrope” arguments, aim to show that one or another philosophical position is self-refuting.

In his recent Free Will and Epistemology (Bloomsbury, 2018), Robert Lockie elaborates new versions of transcendental argument against epistemic externalism and causal determinism – and fends off objections raised against earlier versions.    

Apart from a number of invited contributors, the editors of the special issue and the European Journal of Analytic Philosophy would welcome submissions focused not only on Robert Lockie's Epistemology and Free Will but also on related topics, including:

-        Transcendental arguments against epistemic externalism

-        Non-deontic epistemic internalism

-        Deontic epistemology vs. contemporary cognitive science

-        Moral deontology without ‘ought implies can’

-        Transcendental arguments for free will and beyond

-        Emergentism, agent causalism, and transcendental arguments

Deadline for submissions: May 31, 2019

Submissions should not exceed 8000 words. They should be prepared for blind review and sent to: Bernáth.László

The guide for submissions can be found here:

For any further questions or inquiries regarding the special issue, please contact: László Bernáth at [email protected]

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