CFP: South Carolina Society for Philosophy (joint mtg w/ N. Carolina Philosophical Society)

Submission deadline: December 1, 2011

Conference date(s):
February 24, 2012 - February 25, 2012

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

South Carolina Society for Philosophy
Elon, United States

Topic areas


Faculty and students from anywhere in the world are invited to submit a proposal for the 2012 Joint Meeting of the South Carolina Society for Philosophy and the North Carolina Philosophical Society. 

For all all submissions, abstracts of 400 allall abstracts of 400--500 words are required by December 1, 2011 --500 words are required by December 1, 2011. Abstracts should be in a format suitable for blind review, include a title and a category (or two) into which the paper would ?t at the conference, and be accompanied by a separate cover page listing the author's name, a;liation, complete mailing address, phone number, and email address. Authors must be prepared to present their papers in timeslots of approximately 20-30 minutes (with a further 15 minutes allotted for questions). 

Panel proposals on any topic in philosophy, including its pedagogy, are welcome. Proposals should include a page specifying the panel’s topic, format (including time to be allotted), the names of presenters and titles of their presentations, along with the abstracts and cover pages of the proposed presentations.

Graduate and undergraduate students must also submit full papers by January 4, 2012. Full papers should be 10-15 double-spaced pages in length, prepared with one-inch margins, and typed in a standard 12-pt font. 

Prizes will be awarded for the best papers authored by a graduate student and an undergraduate student (restricted to South Carolina students). Graduate and undergraduate students who want their papers to  be considered for the graduate paper award or undergraduate paper award must state this explicitly on their cover page. Undergraduate papers should be clearly labeled as such. Submissions from students are very strongly encouraged.  Papers submitted for consideration for an award will be judged by two referees who are not from the student's institution. 

How to submit: Email your submissions (and papers) to Justin Weinberg, SCSP Vice President and 2012 Conference Program Chair, at [email protected].  Please use the subject line “SCSP 2012 Submission”. 

Supporting material

Add supporting material (slides, programs, etc.)