Contingency and Necessity in Medieval and Post-medieval Scholasticism
June 6, 2019
Institute of Philosophy, Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought, Czech Academy of Sciences
Akademické konferenční centrum (AKC)
Jilska 1
Czech Republic
Palacky University
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One day workshop on various issues related to contingency and necessity: future contingents, modalities, causation.
Deadline for abstracts (c. 200 words) April 1st, to be sent to [email protected]
Notification of acceptance April 10th.
Keynote speakers:
Monica Brinzei
(Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes, CNRS Paris)
Christopher D. Schabel
(Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes, CNRS Paris, University of Cyprus)
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