11th Principia International Symposium
Castelmar Hotel
Florianópolis 88010-002
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Dear friends,
We are proud to announce the opening of submissions to the 11th Principia International Symposium. This time our central theme is going to be The Quest for Knowledge.
The symposium will be held in Florianópolis, Brazil, from August 19th to 22th, 2019.
Knowledge has attracted the attention of philosophers since their earliest speculations. And in the second half of 20th century English language philosophy witnessed the revival of careful investigation on classical questions as to the nature, structure, and limits of knowledge, as well as its distribution in social groups. The 11th Principia International Symposium has as its main theme the contemporary discussions in Theory of Knowledge, under the heading The Quest for Knowledge. We welcome contributions that address any aspect of knowledge and other epistemic concepts, as well as critical assessments of historical and contemporary stances on the matter.
Besides the main session about The Quest for Knowledge and the manifold of aspects related to it, we will also have, as usual, parallel sessions dealing with the following subjects:
→ Philosophy and History of Science
→ Logic and Philosophy of Language
→ Epistemology
→ Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind
→ Ethics, Metaethics and Applied Ethics
Contributed papers to the symposium may be written in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish. An extended abstract (at most 500 words, in any of these languages) of the paper must be submitted by April 20th, 2019 to the organizing committee.
Submissions must be made by e-mail only to the following address: [email protected]
Abstracts must give enough detail to allow the scientific committee to assess the merits of the work. Please, do not include pictures or graphics in the abstract. References to other works should be avoided, but if necessary, must be included in the body of the text. Authors using mathematical symbols are encouraged to submit tex versions of their abstracts. Also include a separate identification page with the author’s name, e-mail, professional category (professor, associate professor, researcher, or student), and full institutional address. Please, when submitting, send both the source file (.doc, .rtf, .tex, etc.) and a pdf version.
Further information is available in our website http://www.principia.ufsc.br/simposios.html
See you in Florianópolis!
The organizing committee
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