CFP: Probability in Philosophy

Submission deadline: May 15, 2019

Conference date(s):
November 1, 2019 - November 2, 2019

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Australian Catholic University, Melbourne campus
East Melbourne, Australia

Topic areas



The concept of probability is important to many debates in philosophy, including debates about causation, explanation, free will, evidence, knowledge, rational belief, rational decision, and the interpretation of scientific theories. This two-day workshop will explore both the nature of probability and the role that it plays in philosophical debates. It aims in particular to make progress on integrating contributions to the philosophy of probability from diverse sub-disciplines such as metaphysics, epistemology, decision theory, and philosophy of science.

We invite proposals for presentations from current graduate students or early-career scholars who received their Ph.D. after 01 January 2017. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

-  The nature of probability

-  The interpretation of probability in different areas of philosophy (e.g., epistemology, decision theory, philosophy of physics, philosophy of biology)

-  The relationship between probability and other philosophical concepts (e.g., explanation, evidence, and belief)

-  Applications of probability to particular philosophical debates

Authors will be notified whether their proposals have been accepted by 01 July 2019.


Please E-mail submissions to [email protected] by 15 May 2019. Submissions should include two documents submitted as attachments in MS Word or PDF format:

(1)  A 300-500 word abstract formatted for blind review (including the title of the paper but excluding any identifying information),

(2)  A cover page that includes name, affiliation, E-mail, paper title, and either current graduate student status or date Ph.D. received.

Please send any inquiries about the workshop to [email protected].

Supporting material

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