Topics in Analytic Philosophy

April 19, 2019 - April 20, 2019
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest

Splaiul Independentei 206

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities


  • Institute for Research in the Humanities (IRH-ICUB)


University of Bucharest


University of Belgrade
University of Bucharest

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Topics in Analytic Philosophy is a series of workshops initiated by researchers from Romania (Adrian Briciu and Dan Zeman) and Serbia (Miljana Milojević and Ljubomir Stefanović), with the aim of forging and sustaining academic collaboration between analytic philosophers from the two neighboring countries. It focuses on issues and themes from all areas of analytic philosophy: philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, philosophy of action, political philosophy etc. The format of the meetings is the following: 4 speakers from each country present their work and participants from the other country provide comments and feedback. Each meeting lasts two days. The selection of speakers and commentators is made by means of internal calls, the roster of each meeting depending on the availability of those contacted.

The third meeting of the series takes place on 19-20 April 2019 and is hosted by the University of Bucharest. This meeting features 17 participants, 4 on the Serbian side (Vojislav Božičković, Milan Jovanović and Miljana Milojević – speakers, Vanja Subotić – commentator) and 12 on the Romanian side (Nora Grigore, Paula Tomi, Adrian Biriciu, Adrian Ludușan, Gheorghe Ștefanov – speakers, Andreea Popescu, Emilian Mihailov, Mihai Rusu, Bianca Savu, Alexandru Dragomir, Sergiu Spătan, Marian Calborean – commentators). For the first time, this year’s meeting also features a keynote speaker: Professor Mircea Dumitru, from the University of Bucharest.

The event is organized by Paula Tomi and Miljana Milojević, with the support of the Department of Philosophy, University of Bucharest and of the Institute of Research for the Humanities (IRH-ICUB).

Here is the program of the event:

Friday, April 19

Room "Mircea Florian"

10.00-11.15: Vojislav Božičković (University of Belgrade), "Travels of Blue Paradox". Comments: Andreea Popescu (University of Bucharest)

11.30-12.45: Nora Grigore, "The Requirement to Justify Omissions of Morally Good Deeds and What It Can Say about the Moral Normative Force". Comments: Emilian Mihailov (University of Bucharest)


14.15-15.30: Paula Tomi (University of Bucharest), "Some Issues with the Minimalist Theory of Truth". Comments: Vanja Subotić (University of Belgrade)

15.45-17.00: Milan Jovanović (University of Niš), "Bad Influence: A Story about Influence Theory of Causation, Frankfurt-Style Cases and Preemption". Comments: Mihai Rusu (USAMV Cluj-Napoca/Babeș-Bolyai University)

17.15-18.30: Adrian Briciu (West University of Timișoara), "Bullshit and Other Forms of Deceit". Comments: Bianca Savu (University of Bucharest)

Saturday, April 20

Room "Constantin Noica"

10.30-12.00: [Keynote speaker] Mircea Dumitru (University of Bucharest), "Modal Logic as Higher-Order Logic"


14.00-15.15: Adrian Ludușan (Babeș-Bolyai University), "Determinacy of Reference and Internal Categoricity". Comments: Alexandru Dragomir (University of Bucharest)

15.30-16.45: Gheorghe Ștefanov (University of Bucharest), "Deviant Hinge Epistemology and Epistemic Angst". Comments: Sergiu Spătan (University of Hamburg)

17.00-18.15: Miljana Milojević (University of Belgrade), "Persons as Functional Properties". Comments: Marian Calborean (University of Bucharest)

For more information, including the abstracts of the papers, please visit:

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April 19, 2019, 5:00am EET

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Vanja Subotić

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