OZSW Autumn School ‘Beyond the Canon: Unexplored Topics and Forgotten Thinkers’
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Textbooks on the history of philosophy deal with what are widely agreed to be the most important themes and thinkers of the past two-and-a-half thousand years. They discuss, among others, the views of Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume, and Kant, as well as the major traditions and debates in epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics: rationalism vs. empiricism, essentialism vs. nominalism, realism vs. idealism, and consequentialism vs. deontology.
But how did the philosophical canon presented in the textbooks arise? To what extent does the canon give an accurate picture of the philosophical tradition? And are there thinkers, topics, themes or traditions that are worthy of note but that have not been taken up in the canon? Questions like these will be at the heart of the OZSW Autumn School of 2019 at Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Our lecturers Han Thomas Adriaenssen, Liam Kofi Bright, Gary Ostertag, and Marta Sznajder will discuss these questions, calling on a wide range of periods and philosophical traditions.
*Submission guidelines*
Students can present a paper or an issue they encounter in their own research in a one-hour student-led session, consisting of a presentation and discussion. If you wish to submit a paper for presentation, please send an email to a.a.verhaegh[at]uvt.nl and attach the following: A paper abstract of max. 500 words and a short CV (max 2 pages). If you wish to participate without presenting a paper, please send a short CV (max. 2 pages) and a brief motivation (max. 1 page). The deadline for submissions is June 1. Dutch MA and Ph.D. students can earn study points (ECTS) by participating.
OZSW members: 90 euro
non-OZSW members: 150 euro
The fee covers course materials, administration costs, coffee breaks, and one dinner
*Dates and deadlines*
June 01: Submission deadline
June 30: Notifications
October 25-26: Autumn School
*Contact info*
For questions concerning the content of the course, please contact Sander Verhaegh (a.a.verhaegh[at]uvt.nl). Please contact the OZSW secretariat for any practical inquiries (secretariaat[at]ozsw.nl).
This is a student event (e.g. a graduate conference).
June 1, 2019, 7:45pm CET
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