CFP: New Materialism. The Mattering of the Arts, Crafts, and Aesthetics
Submission deadline: December 31, 2019
Topic areas
- Epistemology
- Metaphilosophy
- Metaphysics
- Philosophy of Action
- M&E, Miscellaneous
- Philosophical Traditions
- General Philosophy of Science
- Philosophy of Biology
- Philosophy of Computing and Information
- Philosophy of Physical Science
- Philosophy of Probability
- Philosophy of Social Science
- Philosophy of Science, Miscellaneous
- Value Theory
The Polish Journal of Aesthetics
“New Materialism: The Mattering of the Arts, Crafts, and Aesthetics”, 57 (2/2020).
Editors: Katve-Kaisa Kontturi (University of Turku, Finland; University of Melbourne, Australia), Milla Tiainen (University of Turku, Finland), and Adrian Mróz (The Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland).
New Materialism is a developing theoretical movement in the 21st century, which has influenced many fields of research including the arts, sports and health studies, the social sciences, and philosophy. Its theoretical framework consists in reworking old philosophical assumptions about matter by focusing on the central roles of matter in constituting human and more-than-human worlds, and on the vitality or dynamism of its properties and actions. This has resulted in new contemporary understandings of agency, nature, and social relationships. The main questions of new materialisms concern the place of embodied humans within the world as well as the means of producing, reproducing, and consuming material entities and environments.
The Polish Journal of Aesthetics invites all researchers to submit relevant articles responding to this CFP for an upcoming volume that is concerned with New Materialism in the philosophy of art and aesthetics, and with materialities of practice, action and experience within the applied arts, fine arts, and media arts. This list is not exclusive and other submissions relevant to the subject matter will also be considered, such as proposals related with marketing, technologies, and any other area that can be seen as linked to and manipulative of matter. The volume also focuses on the ways in which New Materialism can give agency and a voice to creative processes, which may then be elaborated by artists and craftspeople in their studios and workshops. This planned volume provides, then, an opportunity for expressing new modes of artistic authorship through expanded reflections on and interpretations of materials, objects, and human relationships with them as well as with other humans.
We invite authors to reflect on themes that range from movements between biophysical sciences and the arts to nonhuman (as well as posthuman and transhuman) agencies at work in performative arts, and from encounters between artists, materials, and matter to new ontologies of art, multispecies aesthetics, questions of the Anthropocene and Climate Change, and the socio-political agencies of stuff and things.
Submission deadline: December 31, 2019.
We kindly ask all authors to read our guidelines posted under the tab “For Authors” as well as to doublecheck the completeness of each submission (please don’t forget to collectively submit the abstract, keywords, bibliography, and biographical note about the author) before submitting. Only complete submissions sent through the submissions page will be accepted.
Instructions for Authors:
Submission Page:
Custom tags:
#New Materialism, #Art, #Aesthetics, #Philosophy, #Technics, #Technology, #Marketing, #posthumanism, #transhumanism, #humanism, #action, #embodiment, #individuation, #applied arts, #fine arts, #media art, #new media, #crafts, #performative arts, #Anthropocene, #Climate Change, #Political philosopy