CFP: 165th Creighton Club Meeting

Submission deadline: July 1, 2019

Conference date(s):
September 7, 2019

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Philosophy Department, Syracuse University
Syracuse, United States

Topic areas


The Creighton Club, founded in 1921, is the principal historic meeting ground for philosophers in upstate and western New York. Our annual meeting consists of an invited keynote address and four papers, including one graduate student paper selected for the Graduate Student Presentation Award. All of the papers except for the keynote address will have a commentator.

Our Keynote speaker this year will be Thomas Kelley (Princeton).

Guidelines for paper submission:

  • Papers in any philosophical area are welcome.
  • Membership is not required for consideration or acceptance.
  • Papers should be no more than 5000 words (for a presentation time of 30 minutes) and must include an abstract of up to 150 words.
  • Students wishing to be eligible for the Graduate Student Presentation Award should indicate graduate student status both in the submission email and the submission itself.
  • Other than graduate students noting their status, papers should be anonymized for review.
  • Papers should be submitted as a pdf attachment to [email protected]
  • Anyone interested in commenting should let us know as soon as possible, with an indication of your fields of interest.

Submission deadline: July 1, 2019

Notification will be given by August 1, 2019

Submissions, offers to comment, and inquiries should be sent to [email protected]

Supporting material

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