The International Conference for Philosophy of Science and Formal Methods in Philosophy

December 4, 2019 - December 6, 2019
Chair of Logic, Philosophy of Science and Epistemology, University of Gdańsk

Faculty of Social Sciences
Jana Bażyńskiego 4 80-309

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University of Oslo
University of Texas at Austin
St. Petersburg State University


Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego
Gdansk University
Ghent University
University of Gdansk
Lund University
University of Gdansk
University of Gdansk

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The International Conference for Philosophy of Science and Formal Methods in Philosophy (CoPS-FaM-19) of the Polish Association for Logic and Philosophy of Science will take place on December 4-6, 2019 at the University of Gdansk (in cooperation with the University of Warsaw).

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November 30, 2019, 7:00pm CET

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