Mathematics of Dhavalā Tīkā
Pragati Jain

part of: 2nd Asian Philosophical Texts Conference
September 8, 2019, 4:00pm - 4:30pm
Research Institute for Japanese Studies , Kanda University of International Studies

1-4-1 Mihama-ku, Wakaba
Chiba-shi 261-0014

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Université Libre de Bruxelles (PhD)
University of Edinburgh
Akita University

Topic areas


Septermber 9–10 2019

A Conference on Asian Philosophical Texts

This conference aims at providing a platform for scholars in the field of Asian Studies and world philosophies to both discuss and perform the task of translating Asian philosophical texts into western languages. Any papers on the philosophy of translation, critical analyses of existing translations, or ongoing translation projects are welcomed.

Submission deadline: July 15, 2019  

Submission guidelines:

  • Please submit abstracts or papers to [email protected]. The abstract should be 300-500 words and the papers must be suitable for a 25–30 minute presentation (no more than 3500 words). If the presentations will be on the past or the present translation projects, please make sure to send us the pdf of the original (which will be distributed to other presenters before the conference).
  • All submissions must be in .doc, .docx or .pdf formats and should be prepared for blind review.
  • Please include in your email the following details: (i) author's name; (ii) paper title; (iii) word count; (iv) institutional affiliation; and (v) contact information.
  • Responses to submissions will be sent by July 30, 2019.
  • Please send any questions to [email protected] 

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#Chiba events, #Tokyo events, #Japan events, #East Asia