North American Kant Society 5th Biennial Conference
Submission deadline: January 1, 2020
Conference date(s):
June 5, 2020 - June 7, 2020
Conference Venue:
Department of Philosophy, State University of New York at Binghamton
United States
NAKS Biennial: June 5-7, 2020
Kant and the Value of Humanity
Keynote speakers: Karin de Boer, Katrin Flikschuh, Paul Guyer
Saturday, June 6 will feature “Aesthetics Day at NAKS,” sponsored by the American Society for Aesthetics, which will include several talks on Kant and Aesthetics.
Call for Submissions
Submission Deadline: 11:59 pm EST on January 1, 2020.
We aim to announce which papers have been accepted by February 7, 2020.
Papers in any area of Kant’s and Kantian philosophy, from analytic, continental, or historical approaches, are welcome. We encourage as well submissions on the conference theme, “Kant and the Value of Humanity.”
Please identify two areas under which you wish your paper to be considered:
1. Kant’s Pre-critical Philosophy
2. Metaphysics
3. Epistemology and Logic
4. Philosophy of Science and Nature
5. Teleology
6. Ethics and Moral Philosophy
7. Philosophy of Law and Justice
8. Philosophy of Politics, History, and Culture
9. Religion and Theology
10. Aesthetics
11. Kant and German Idealism
12. Kant and Phenomenology
13. Kant in the Present
14. Kant and the Value of Humanity
We are also accepting submissions for papers for the following two panels, sponsored by the American Society for Aesthetics.
1) “Kant’s Methodology of Taste: the role of Humaniora”
For this panel we invite papers on the much overlooked final section of Kant’s Critique of the Aesthetic Power of Judgment where Kant discusses the role of preparation and study for training taste and also the social nature of taste and its role in cultivating humanity.
2) “The Aesthetics of the Sublime and Human Dignity”
For this panel we invite papers on the relationship between the moral and aesthetic dimensions of the sublime in Kant.
To submit a proposal, please submit (in .doc, .docx, or .pdf form):
- A cover page, including the title of the paper, word count, author’s name, brief bio, and contact information; Also, please indicate whether the paper should be considered for one of the two the panels sponsored by the ASA.
- A 3000-word paper, not including notes, prepared for blind review, accompanied by a 200-word abstract.
Please email all documents to [email protected]
- All papers should be suitable for presentation in 20 minutes.
- All submissions will be anonymously reviewed; identifying information should be included only on the cover page.
We especially encourage graduate student submissions. Graduate students should identify themselves as such on the cover page, which is a required component of the submission.
NAKS will provide $200 travel award for the best graduate student paper and the author will be considered as a candidate for the annual Markus Herz Prize.
The American Society for Aesthetics will provide a $500 student travel grant for the best student paper on Kant and aesthetics.
Members of the American Society for Aesthetics will receive a reduced registration fee for the events on Kant and Aesthetics on Saturday June 6, 2020.