CFP: 5th Penn Reasons and Foundations of Epistemology Conference (PeRFECt5)

Submission deadline: September 12, 2019

Conference date(s):
November 14, 2019 - November 16, 2019

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, United States

Topic areas


This is a call for applications to be a graduate student commentator-at-large for PeRFECt5. 

PeRFECt5 will be November 15-16, 2019 at the Philosophy Department at the University of Pennsylvania, and this year’s PeRFECt speakers are Jennifer Lackey (Northwestern), Lauren Leydon-Hardy (Amherst), Matt McGrath (Rutgers), and Jonna Vance (Northern Arizona).

The responsibility of a commentator-at-large is to be an engaged and active participant in the conference. We hope to be able to provide accommodations (or at least partial reimbursement for accomidations) in Philadelphia for November 15th and 16th (pending budgetary considerations) and will definitely provide meals with the other conference participants. Graduate student commentators-at-large will be responsible for their own travel. 

In order to be considered, please follow these directions exactly:

Send your CV and a paragraph (absolute max 200 words) describing why the conference would benefit you and your work.  Send these to [email protected] with the subject "#PeRFECtGradCALApp" (please use exactly this subject text). Put the paragraph in the text of the email and attach your CV as a PDF. The deadline is September 12th, 2019. Decisions will be made around September 21st.

Supporting material

Add supporting material (slides, programs, etc.)