Foundations and Methods of Natural Language Semantics III
Carrer Montalegre
Barcelona 08001
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Monday November 4th
10:30 - 11:30 Isidora Stojanovic (CNRS/IJN Paris) “Derogatory terms and free indirect discourse”
11:45 - 12:15 Dan Zeman (Slovak Academy of Sciences) “A Rich-Lexicon Approach to Slurs”
12:20 - 12:50 Andrei Moldovan (University of Salamanca) “Are There Entailed Conversational Implicatures?”
15h - 16h Bryan Pickel (University of Edinburgh) “Verbal Substitution”
16:15- 16:45 André Bazzoni (University of Barcelona) “The rigidity of natural kind terms”
16:50 - 17:20 Mar Alloza (University of Barcelona) “Informativity: some special cases in the domain of implicatures and presuppositions"”
17.30- 18.00 Project’s meeting
Tuesday November 5th
10:30 - 11:30 Neri Marsili (University of Barcelona) “Assertion without its constitutive norm”
11:45 -12:15h Josep Macià (University of Barcelona) “Meanings and Committments”
12:20 – 12:50 David Rey (Univ. El Bosque, Colombia) “Progress on Two (Semantic) Fronts”
13h – 13:30h Max Kölbel (University of Vienna) “What’s a priori and a posteriori in Natural Language Semantics”
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