CFP: Philosophers and Einstein's Relativity

Submission deadline: January 31, 2020

Conference date(s):
October 1, 2020 - October 2, 2020

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Humanities, Federico II University Naples/ENS Lyon
Napoli, Italy

Topic areas


We invite Ph.D. students and researchers to submit poster abstracts that relate to the theme of the Conference.


Abstracts must be submitted to in .doc or .docx format no later than 31 January 2019. The name of the file must be your family name. The abstracts may not be longer than 500 words and must be submitted in English. At the beginning of the document indicate full name, email address, university, and academic position you will have at the time of the Conference. Provide a short specific title indicating the nature of the presentation.

After having submitted your abstract, you will receive a confirmation by email. If you do not receive a confirmation email within a week, please resubmit your abstract to

The Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author to present it at the Conference if accepted.


The abstracts will be evaluated by the organizers on the basis of their compliance with the theme of the Conference and their clarity, relevance, and originality. The authors will be informed by email no later than 29 February 2020 on the decision, and – in case of acceptance – will receive further instructions concerning the layout of the poster.

The accepted posters will be on display outside the Conference room throughout the event. There will be no formal presentation of the posters, but the authors will have the chance to present and discuss their works with the Conference participants during the 2-hours lunch buffets on both days of the conference.

Researchers that will have an ongoing work contract with a University at the time of the Conference may be eligible for a refund of travel, accommodation, and food costs. Ph.D. students at the time of the Conference may be eligible for an attendance fee of 250 euros (minus taxes).


The Conference speakers will evaluate the posters and presentations, and suggest the best ones to become papers that will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

Supporting material

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