CFP: Beyond Being: Approaches to Transcendence in Ancient Philosophy
Submission deadline: December 31, 2019
Conference date(s):
September 19, 2022 - September 22, 2022
Conference Venue:
Philosophy Department, Federal University of ABC
São Paulo,
Topic areas
Call for Papers
XVII International Archai Seminar
Beyond Being: Approaches to Transcendence in Ancient Philosophy 14-17 September 2020 – São Paulo, Brazil
We are delighted to announce a 4-day international conference on the theme of transcendence in ancient philosophy. The conference will take place at both the Federal University of ABC and the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.
With the claim that the Form of the Good is beyond being (epekeina tês ousias, Republic, 509b8), Plato has (maybe not willingly) inaugurated a philosophical tradition which investigates transcendent hyper- ontological realities and their relationship with being. The necessity to accept the existence of ineffable entities as the ultimate principles of reality can be found at the center of many Neoplatonic philosophies and has caused intense discussions. In this conference, we aim to pursue this discussion and welcome any paper on the theme of transcendence, its origin, its development and its critics in ancient philosophy.
Confirmed Speakers (in alphabetical order):
Lucas Angioni (University of Campinas)
Gábor Betegh (University of Cambridge)
Gabriele Cornelli (University of Brasília)
Matthew Duncombe (University of Nottingham)
Rachel Gazolla (São Bento College)
Maurício Marsola (Federal University of São Paulo)
Marcelo Perine (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo)
Angela Ulacco (University of Fribourg)
Please send abstracts to [email protected] by 31st DECEMBER 2019. Accepted speakers will be notified by 1st February 2020.The proposals (of no more than 500 words) should be formatted for blind review and sent as an attachment (word document or pdf). Proposals are accepted in Portuguese or English. Please include contact information and institutional affiliation in the body of your email. Upon acceptance of proposals, participants must submit their full papers (of about 3000 words) by August 1st, 2020.
The organizers: Luca Pitteloud (UFABC) and Bruno Conte (PUC-SP)
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#Ancient Philosophy São Paulo