CFP: Canadian Philosophical Association 2013 Annual Congress

Submission deadline: January 7, 2013

Conference date(s):
June 2, 2013 - June 7, 2013

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

University of Victoria
Victoria, Canada

Topic areas


All submitters must be current members of the CPA.  On-line payment is available through the CPA web site –  Also, all congress participants must pay congress registration fees to the CFHSS and to the CPA.


  1. All texts must be submitted in English or in French through the EasyChair Conference System and only through this means. Authors must be registered with EasyChair (; registration is free and permanent. The paper submission portal is at The deadline for submitting is midnight Sunday January 7, 2013. Please state clearly in which discipline (listed below) the paper should be submitted.  In case of doubt, please contact the Programme Chair.    
  2. Limit of two papers submission per author.
  3. Limit of one paper in any one discipline.
  4. The submitted papers must be prepared for double-blind refereeing: all information leading to the identification of the author must be removed.
  5. The text must not exceed 4,000 words; papers exceeding this word count will not be considered.  The word count does not include the bibliography or notes.
  6. The submission must include an abstract with a maximum of 75 words.
  7. Please give a short title.
  8. Students submitting papers should identify themselves as such in order to be eligible for the Student Essay Prize.  
  9. Individuals interested in commenting on papers should contact the Executive Director by February 15, 2013. Please indicate if you are willing to comment in English on papers delivered in French.
  10. Speakers and commentators will most likely be asked to chair an adjacent session.


  1. Proposals for symposia, round tables and workshops must be submitted by November 15, 2012.   Please include a list of tentative participants. All participating Canadian philosophers must be current members of the CPA.
  2. The length of the session is limited to a half-day.
  3. Limit of one symposium proposal per organizer.
  4. All proposals for symposia, round tables and workshops must be submitted to the Executive Director – [email protected] (.doc, .docx or .rtf preferred).
  5. Please state in which discipline (listed below) the symposium should be submitted. If it belongs to more than one, please indicate them in descending order of importance. In case of doubt, please contact the Programme Chair.
  6. Please note that strong preference will be given to submissions that include at least one presentation in the other official language.


  1. History of philosophy
  2. Contemporary European philosophy
  3. Social and political philosophy
  4. Philosophy of law
  5. Decision theory
  6. Philosophy of mathematics
  7. Logic
  8. Philosophy of language
  9. Philosophy of mind
  10. Ancient and medieval philosophy
  11. Philosophy of arts and aesthetics
  12. Metaphysics
  13. Philosophy of religion
  14. Philosophy of science
  15. Feminist philosophy
  16. Ethics
  17. Epistemology
  18. Non-Western philosophies

Guillaume Fréchette;    E-mail: [email protected]

Louise Morel;    Tel.: (613) 236-1393, ext. 2454;    E-mail:  [email protected]

Supporting material

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