CFP: 12th Arché Graduate Conference
Submission deadline: January 15, 2020
Conference date(s):
May 23, 2020 - May 24, 2020
Conference Venue:
University of St. Andrews
St Andrews,
United Kingdom
Topic Areas
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of Mind
Logic (and Philosophy of Logic)
The Arché Philosophical Research Centre is hosting the 12th Annual Arché Graduate Conference at the University of St Andrews on 23-24 May 2020. We invite graduate students to submit high-quality papers for presentation in the main Arché research areas, broadly construed. We especially encourage submissions from members of underrepresented groups in philosophy and papers that are aimed at a general philosophical audience. All accepted talks will receive a response from a member of Arché. We aim to provide a substantial travel bursary for all speakers, and offer free accommodation with a St Andrews graduate student.
Any graduate student (except those currently enrolled in the University of St Andrews).
Submission Requirements
Submissions should include an abstract with keywords (max. 250 words) and a paper no longer than 4,000 words (including foot- and endnotes, excluding the bibliography). Papers should be suitable for a presentation of around 40 minutes; must be authored (or co-authored) by current graduate students (limited to 1 submission per author); and be suitable for blind review. All submissions should be sent to [email protected].
Submission Deadline
The deadline for submission is 15 January 2020.
Further Enquiries
For any further enquiries, please email [email protected].
We look forward to reading your submissions!