Debunking and Disagreement
Room R09 S02 B03
Universitätsstr. 12
Essen 45141
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The fourth Essen Metaethics Workshop (MetaEssen IV) will be held at the Department of Philosophy, University of Duisburg-Essen, on the 23th of January 2020 (room R09 S02 B03).
Our goal with MetaEssen is to provide a forum for philosophers, especially more junior philosophers in or around Europe, to share new work in a congenial environment on a topic of recent interest concerning the nature of ethics, understood broadly to include familiar metaethical questions on the metaphysics, epistemology, semantics, and psychology of normativity, but also less familiar questions where the boundaries between metaethics and normative ethics might be less sharp. The format will involve extensive discussion of pre-read papers.
The topic of MetaEssen IV is “Debunking and Disagreement”.
10-12: Folke Tersman (Uppsala): From Evolutionary Theory to Moral Skepticism, via Disagreement
12-14: Lunch
14-16: Michael Klenk (St. Gallen): Is There Deep Disagreement? Evidence From The Anthropology of Ethics
The workshop is organized by Neil Roughley and Eleonora Severini. It is free and open to the public. For further information and registration, please send an email to On registering, you will receive the papers to be pre-read.
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