CFP: LanCog Workshop on Group Epistemology

Submission deadline: January 5, 2020

Conference date(s):
February 21, 2020

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

CFUL-LanCog, University of Lisbon
Lisbon, Portugal

Topic areas


The LanCog group at the Centro de Filosofia, University of Lisbon, is glad to announce the upcoming Workshop on Group Epistemology, which will take place at the University of Lisbon the 21th of February, 2020. We will have the pleasure to have Jennifer Lackey (Northwestern University) as a keynote speaker. The workshop will include talks by resident scholars, but two spots are reserved for external contributors. Contributed papers by both resident scholars and external speakers should last 45 minutes (presentation + q&a). 

Abstract of about 500 words, prepared for blind refereeing, should be sent as email attachments to [email protected].

Contributed papers should focus on group epistemology, broadly construed, and should have a clear link with Jennifer Lackey's work. A suggested, but not exhaustive, list of questions that contributed papers may address includes:

- Can groups have beliefs?
- What does it take for a group to possess justification?
- What does it take for a group to acquire knowledge?
- What norms should regulate group assertion?
- How should we understand the notion of group lies?

The language of the workshop is English.

Travel and accommodation (2 nights) for accepted speakers will be funded by LanCog, CFUL.

Deadline for submission: January 5, 2020

Communication of acceptance/rejection: January 12, 2020

For further information, feel free to get in touch with the organisers: Michel Croce ([email protected]) and Domingos Faria ([email protected]).

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