System and Logic in Hegel

December 13, 2012 - December 15, 2012
Collegio Ghislieri


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Thursday 13 December, h. 14.00

14.10  Franco Chiereghin, La 'Scienza della logica’ come sistema e le dinamiche del pensiero
15.00  Klaus Brinkmann, Hegel on translating representations: Rethinking the task of philosophy

15.50 Coffee break

16.20  Angelica Nuzzo, General logic, transcendental logic, speculative logic
17.10  Sandra Palermo,  La sostanza come genesi del concetto. Sulla lettura hegeliana di Spinoza nella ‘Wesenslogik’

Friday 14 December, h. 9.00
9.00 Claudio Cesa,  I problemi della misura
9.50 Guido Frilli, Hegels genetische Exposition des Begriffs. Die methodologische Struktur des spekulativen Wissens

10.40 Coffee break

11.10 Stephen Houlgate, Hegel on the category of quantity
12.00 Federico Orsini, C’è un’ontologia del pensare oggettivo?

Friday 14 December, h. 15.00
15.00 Jean-François Kervégan, Une théorie logique, mais non métaphysique, de l'action
15.50 Mario Farina, Die logische Form des Kunstwissens. Das Leben, die Seele und das Ideal

16.40 Coffee break

17.10 Luca Illetterati, Il pensiero della logica
18.00 Elisa Magrì, Causality, violence and memory. On the genesis of the concept in the ‘Science of Logic’

Saturday 15 December, h. 9.00
9.00  Alfredo Ferrarin, Spontaneity and reification. Hegel on thinking
9.50  Lucia Ziglioli, The logic of time. Hegel's notion of time between logic and system

10.40 Coffee break

11.10 Michela Bordignon, Logics of contradiction. Dialectic and dialetheism
12.30 Closing

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