Northern Association for Ancient Philosophy 2020 Meeting

April 6, 2020 - April 7, 2020
IDEA Centre, University of Leeds, University of Leeds

17 Blenheim Terrace, University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
United Kingdom

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities



University of Toronto at Mississauga
University College London
University of Oxford
Czech Academy of Sciences
University of São Paulo


University of Leeds

Topic areas

Talks at this conference

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Postgraduate bursaries are available to contribute to the costs of registration (incl. dinner) and accommodation. Postgraduates should contact Dr. Jamie Dow using [email protected] confirming your status as a postgraduate researcher (e.g. give your institution, programme, and supervisor).


James Allen (Toronto) - “Moderate and Radical Scepticism in the Academy”

Vladimir Mikes (Czech Academy of Sciences) – “How passions give way to emotions in Stoicism.”

Marion Durand (Oxford) – “The Stoics on Passive Predicates and the Passive Voice”.

Niels Christensen (UCL) - “The Kosmos of the Virtues: The Greatness of Aristotle’s Great-souled Person.”

Victor Sousa (University of São Paulo) - “Aristotle on δεινότης: Can non-virtuous agents aim at morally good ends?”

Supporting material

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April 3, 2020, 8:00am BST

External Site

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