CFP: Personal Identity: An issue that Demands Revision in Today’s Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Dialogue
Submission deadline: February 29, 2020
Topic areas
Personal Identity: An issue that Demands Revision in Today’s Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Dialogue
Critical Hermeneutics, vol. 3, n.2, December 2019
Guest Editors: Beatriz Contreras Tasso, Patricio Mena Malet
Deadline (full paper): February 29th 2020
The issue of human identity faces a radical questioning from the late modernity with the irruption of suspicion with Marx, Nietzsche and Freud. This criticism is based on the collapse of the Cartesian Cogito, which supported the thesis of self-transparency and immediacy of the self to consciousness and its power as the absolute basis of knowledge.
Today, after the influence of the philosophies of difference and deconstruction, the notion of identity has lost its prestige and it is necessary to rethink in what terms it is still possible to refer to something like personal identity.
One of the contributions of the hermeneutical phenomenology of the works of Paul Ricœur and other philosophers in the line of consequentialism, like Derek Parfit, has been to carry out a critical reflection of the identity issue in dialogue with other scientific approaches, including neurosciences, psychoanalysis, sociology, linguistics, Marxism, literature, to name the most important.
From this perspective, it would be valuable to have contributions that could explore the issue of human identity in a diversity of domains and languages, (ethics, politics, art, neuroscience, psychiatry, and technology) in order to offer different angles and access to the identity issue, which would also allow the examination of the many problems that arise from this issue. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
1. Ipseity and its dynamic relationship with the personal and collective sphere.
2. The relation of identity with otherness: archaeological perspective like in Psychoanalysis, or contextual perspective like in Marxism?
3. Temporality and its incompletion: how is it possible to think of identity in the continuum of technological transformation?
4. Narrative identity: how can today's world literature contribute to strengthening Ipseity?
5. Does the analysis of social transformations, the consideration of sexual struggles or demands and feminisms represent a new challenge for reflection today?
Author Guidelines
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