CFP: The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism

Submission deadline: December 9, 2012

Topic areas


Dr. Matthew Altman, editor of The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism (to be published in 2014), is looking for authors to write introductory biographical/historical chapters on Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel.

The Palgrave Handbook will include about 30 essays from established and emerging scholars on the various elements of German idealist philosophy. Because of its comprehensiveness and the scholars involved, the Handbook will become an important resource on German idealism.

Each major section will include an introduction to the philosopher that gives the reader background on his life. Contributors are expected to be familiar (or become familiar) with the existing biographies and the historical period, and preferably will be able to research source material in both English and German.

The book is targeted at advanced undergraduate and graduate students as well as people working in the field. Introductory chapters will be 6,000-8,000 words long. The deadline for submitting the introductory chapters will be August 15, 2013.

If you are interested in contributing one of these essays, send the following materials by DECEMBER 9, 2012:

  • a cover letter that explains your relevant qualifications and how you would approach the topic
  • a current CV
  • a brief writing sample (optional)

Submissions or questions should be sent to Dr. Matthew Altman at the following email address: [email protected].

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