CFP: Autonomy – The 9th Kant Multilateral Colloquium

Submission deadline: April 30, 2020

Conference date(s):
October 23, 2020 - October 25, 2020

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Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, Tsinghua University
Beijing, China

Topic areas


Call for Abstracts


The 9th Kant Multilateral Colloquium

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, October 23-25, 2020

Submission deadline: April 30, 2020

The "Kant Multilateral Colloquia" is an organization that aims to promote multi-lingual Kant studies. It was initiated by Kantian scholars from Italy, Portugal, and Brazil in 2006. Previous meetings took place in Italy (I. "Kant Today", Verona and Padua, 2008), Portugal (II. "What is Man? – Was ist der Mensch?", Lisbon, 2010), Germany (III. "Kant and Antinomical Thinking", Mainz, 2011), Brazil (IV. "Kant e as metáforas da razão", Tiradentes, 2013), Spain (V. "Artículos y Opúsculos – Kleine Schriften", Madrid, 2016), the U.S. (VI. "Kant on Violence, Revolution, and Progress: Historical, Political, and Metaphysical Themes", Hempstead, NY, 2016), Germany (VII. "Kant und seine Kritiker", Halle, 2017), and Italy (VIII. "Kant and the Contemporary World: Philosophy, Science, Politics", Catania, 2018). The 9th edition of the Kant Multilateral Colloquia will be held at the Tsinghua University, Beijing, October 23-25, 2020.

The topic of the multilateral colloquium in this year is "Autonomy". As core concept of Kant’s philosophy autonomy contains such a theoretical and at the same time practical potential that it is still heatedly debated in the contemporary philosophy and meanwhile it poses power challenges in practical life. In almost every area, e.g., theoretical, practical, and not least aesthetic, of Kantian philosophy, autonomy establishes itself as the principle, but in each area in its own way. The current multilateral colloquium dedicates itself to the Kantian autonomy. Contributions from any perspectives on the topic are welcome.

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Sílvia Altmann(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Luigi Caranti (Università di Catania, Italy)

Jacinto Rivera de Rosales Chacón(National Distance Education University, Madrid, Spain)

Hannah Ginsborg (UC Berkeley, USA)

Otfried Höffe (University of Tübingen, Germany)

Yusheng Huang (Tsinghua University, China)

Heiner F. Klemme (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)

Pablo Muchnik (Emerson College, Boston, USA)

Christian Wenzel (National Taiwan University, Taiwan, China)

We invite submissions from established and junior scholars, including PhD students and postdocs. The language of the conference is English, German, and Chinese. If you are interested in giving a talk, please send an extended abstract in English or German (min. 500 words and max. 1000 words) which presents your central theses and arguments. The abstract should be based on papers suitable for presentation within 35-40 minutes, followed by 20-25 minutes of discussion, and should be prepared for double-blind review. The author’s name, institutional position and affiliation, as well as contact information should be included in the body of the e-mail and not in the abstract itself. The deadline for abstract submissions is April 30, 2020. Submitted abstracts will be selected by the international committee of the Kant Multilateral Colloquium. In case of a speech in Chinese, a text in English or German which presents the details of the speech should be prepared for the participants two weeks before the beginning of the conference. Please submit documents in PDF format to [email protected]

The conference will take place on the campus of the Tsinghua University. Participation is free of charge. We provide all chosen participants with dining during the conference. Successful applicants may also have the opportunity to apply for a fund to cover partially their accommodations and travel costs. If you have any questions, please contact us.


Department of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University, 100084 Beijing, China


[email protected]


Prof. Dr. Yusheng Huang (Tsinghua University, China)

Prof. Dr. Dahan Fan (Tsinghua University, China)

Dr. Xi Luo (Tsinghua University, China)

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