CFP: International Development Ethics Association (IDEA) Twelfth Congress

Submission deadline: March 1, 2022

Conference date(s):
July 13, 2022 - July 15, 2022

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

International Development Ethics Association
Medellín, Colombia

Topic areas


Twelfth Congress of the International Development Ethics Association (IDEA -- 2022 re-launch of postponed conference) 

Development in times of conflict: ethical pathways towards peace and justice

A bilingual conference, planned for in-person and video-conference participation.

Medellín, Colombia, 13-15 July 2022

Presentation proposals due February 21, 2022

The International Development Ethics Association (IDEA), The Universidad Autónoma LatinoAmericana (UNAULA) and The Red para la formación ética y ciudadana REDETICA, invite scholars, practitioners, policy makers, and other interested parties to submit proposals to be presented in the conference, Development in times of conflict: ethical pathways towards peace and justice. This is a re-launching of the 2021 conference (conference delayed by COVID-19). The conference will be pursued in both in-person and online formats.

Proposals for conference presentations and panels accepted for the original 2021 date will be treated as accepted for this conference upon re-submission to the easychair conference site at the 2022 conference address. Proposals accepted to the 2021 Conference are accepted to the re-scheduled 2022 Conference. Instructions for re-submitting an accepted proposal are at the link below.

This is also an open call for new proposals, thec all for papers is also at the link below.

Supporting material

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