13th Century English Franciscans

July 24, 2020 - August 14, 2020

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All are welcome to join us on Zoom on a series of 4 Friday mornings (EST) in July and August 2020 for a series of presentations on 13th Century English Franciscans (and a few on the early Franciscan Summa Halensis), sponsored by the ERC Project on Early Franciscans at King's College London.

There is NO NEED to register on Eventbrite in advance, though this is encouraged, so we can provide information and any updates to participants.

24 July, 9-12am EST / 2-5pm UK time

31 July, 9-12am EST / 2-5pm UK time

7 August, 9-12am EST / 2-5pm UK time

14 August, 9-12am EST / 2-5pm UK time


24 July

9am: Nicola Polloni (Berlin): Roger Bacon on the Conceivability of Matter

10am: Simon Kopf: Providence in the Summa Halensis: Between Authority and Innovation

11am: Neil Lewis (Georgetown): The Debate over the Unicity of Truth in the early Oxford Franciscan School

31 July

9am: José Filipe Pereira da Silva (Helsinki): John Pecham on Human Cognition

10am: Riccardo Saccenti (Bergamo): The Form of the Body: John Peckham's Critique of Aquinas's Doctrine of the Soul and the Summa Halensis

11am: Martin Pickavé (Toronto): Roger Marston on Perception and Cognition

7 August

9am: Fiorella Retucci (Cologne): Intersecting Wisdom in the Middle Ages: Thomas of York and His Sources

10am: Jeremiah Hackett (South Carolina): Roger Bacon’s Mathematical Theology: The Transition from the Method of the Schools to His New Method in Philosophy and Theology

11am: Richard Cross (Notre Dame): The Summa Halensis in the Christological Taxonomies of the 17th Century

14 August

9am: Giles Gasper (Durham): How to Teach the Franciscans: Robert Grosseteste and the Oxford Community of Franciscans c. 1229-1235

10am: Rega Wood (Stanford University): Ockham’s Razor and the Soul in Richard Rufus of Cornwall and His Contemporaries

11am: Lydia Schumacher (King’s College London)/Sophie Delmas (Paris—TBC)

Further Information:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/13th-century-english-franciscans-tickets-106270658400

Organizer: Dr Lydia Schumacher, ERC Project Authority & Innovation in Early Franciscan Thought (c. 1220-45), King's College London

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