Mistakes, Ignorance, and Blameworthiness

September 1, 2020 - September 2, 2020
Roots of Responsibility

United Kingdom


  • European Research Council


Tulane University (PhD)
Harvard University
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Cardiff University


University of Stirling

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This workshop examines the relationship between mistakes, ignorance and blameworthiness. Mistakes and ignorance can have severe consequences. How do we avoid these, what duties do we have to avoid them, and when are we to blame if we do not? We will examine the relationship between epistemic blunders and blameworthiness. When do they excuse, when do they make things worse, and when are they blameworthy themselves?

There will be four papers, circulated in advance of the workshop. Participants are expected to read the papers in advance. During the session, the presenter will give a summary of their paper, before answering questions from the audience.

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September 1, 2020, 1:00pm BST

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