Philosophy of Humour: New Perspectives
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‘Philosophy of Humour: New Perspectives’ – Conference Programme
Online event hosted by Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania.
All times are Eastern European Time (EET).
To register (free) simply send an email to [email protected].
Thursday 11th February 2021
9:00-9:40: Welcome and Introduction.
9:40-10:20: ‘Sublime, Beautiful, Funny: Humour in §54 of Kant's Third Critique’, David Sommer (University College London, UK).
10:20-11:00: ‘Kant and the Ethics of Humor’, Robert R. Clewis (Gwynedd Mercy University, PA, USA).
11:20-12:00: ‘Kierkegaard: the Power of Irony and Humour’, Siobhan Doyle (St Nicholas Montessori College of Ireland and University College Dublin, Ireland).
12:00-12:40: ‘Humour as the Incognito of the Religious in Kierkegaard’, Viktoras Bachmetjevas (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania).
14:20-15:00: ‘Primitive Humour', Philip Letts (University of Manchester, UK) and Andrew Routledge (University of Liverpool, UK).
15:00-15:40: ‘‘That’s right, clap the things you agree with’: Stewart Lee’s Content Provider and the Socratic Method’, Matthew J. Barnard (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK).
16:00-16:40: ‘The Birth of Tragicomedy: A Nietzschean Analysis of Contemporary Stand-Up Comedy’, Sheila Lintott (Bucknell University, Lewisburg PA, USA).
16:40-17:20: ‘What Internalist Theories of Humour Cannot Say About Ethical Evaluation’, Daniel Abrahams (University of Glasgow, UK).
17:20-18:00: ‘What’s So Funny? Improv Comedy and Humor Before Comedic Meaning’, Timothy Mahoney (CUNY Graduate Center, USA).
Friday 12th February 2021
9:00-9:40: ‘Prolegomena to a Revised Theory of Humor’, Alberto Voltolini (University of Turin, Italy).
9:40-10:20: ‘„Aha!/Haha! – That’s a good one!“ On the Correlation of Laughter and Understanding in Joke Reception’, Mira Magdalena Sickinger, University of Vienna, Austria.
10:20-11:00: ‘Hidden Congruities’, Daniel O’Shiel (Diego Portales University, Santiago, Chile).
11:20-12:00: ‘The Role of Laughter and Humour in the Feminist Movement: From Assertion of Superiority to Symbolic Expression’, Teodora Marija Grigaitė (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania).
12:00-12:40: ‘The Possibility of Parody’, Sarah W. Hirschfield (Cambridge University, UK).
14:20-15:00: ‘A Sensibility of Humour’, Zoe Walker (Cambridge University, UK).
15:00-15:40:‘Partisan Political Humour. Some Ethical Considerations’, Javier Gil (University of Oviedo, Spain).
16:00-16:40: ‘Grotesque Leadership: The Carnival of Populism’, Maura Ceci (Leiden University, Netherlands).
16:40-17:20: ‘Moral Responsibility for Amusement’, Caroline Mobley (University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN, USA).
17:20-18:00: Concluding Discussion.
February 9, 2021, 4:00am +03:00