Mexico-Canada Early Modern Philosophy Conference

October 2, 2020 - October 3, 2020
Department of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario

1151 Richmond St.


University of Western Ontario
National Autonomous University of Mexico (PhD)

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Alberto Luis Lopez and I invite you to join in an online conference (via Zoom) bringing together Mexican and Canadian early modern scholars on Oct 2-3. The presentations will be in English. For more information about the conference, including the schedule and pre-circulated papers, see

For all sessions 

Zoom ID 994 4278 7789

Passcode 055925

Friday October 2 (all times Eastern Time)

9:45 am Introduction

Benjamin Hill (Western)

Alberto Luis Lopez (UNAM / Western)

10:00 am “Spinoza on Language”

Luis Ramos-Alarcón (UACM)

11:00 am “Leibniz’s Analysis of Change: Vague States, Physical Continuity, and the Calculus”

Richard Arthur (McMaster University)

12:00 pm Lunch Break

1:00 pm “Descartes and Our Philosophies”

Juan Carlos Moreno Romo (UAQ)

2:00 pm “It's Alive: Margaret Cavendish on Matter, Order, and God”

Marleen Rozemond (University of Toronto)

3:00 pm "On the Ancient Roots of Berkeley's Immaterialist Idealism" Alberto Luis Lopez (UNAM / Western)

Saturday October 3 (all times Eastern Time)

9:45 am Introduction

Benjamin Hill (Western)

Alberto Luis Lopez (UNAM / Western)

10:00 am “Kant, Cicero, and the Stoic Doctrine of the Highest Good”

Corey Dyck (Western)

11:00 am "Are Animals Machines? Gomez Pereira and Descartes on Animal Minds"

Enrique Chávez-Arvizo (CUNY)

12:00 pm Lunch Break

1:00 pm TBA

Melissa Frankel (Carleton)

2:00 pm “Marin Mersenne and Pierre Gassendi as Descartes’s Questioners”

Alejandra Velázquez Zaragoza (UNAM)

Leonel Toledo Marín (UACM)

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Benjamin Hill at [email protected].

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