CFP: Discipline Filosofiche: The Impact of Leibniz on Developments of Husserlian Phenomenology

Submission deadline: November 30, 2013

Topic areas


Volume editors: Francesco Bianchini and Enrico Pasini

Leibniz and Husserl could be considered as the most significant stages of a course in which thought is the place of abstract, ideal and symbolic forms, that are not so distant and uprooted, yet, from an entirely tangible reality. Within such a general view we could see the strictly related passage – inside modern and contemporary philosophy – from the Leibnizian idea of mathesis universalis to the Husserlian radicalization of a pure logic as a theory of science, or, better, as a theory of every possible forms of theory.

Aim of the issue is to point out the connections, or the very continuities, among the aspects of Husserlian thought that seem to have been already present in Leibniz’s thought, promoting in this way an investigation that increases the comparison between these two different lines of theoretical and philosophical reflection.

Some of the topics which authors are invited to deal with are: the relation between Leibniz and Husserl as regards formal sciences; the use of symbolism or the rejection of psychologism, also in the light of acquisition due to the publications of Leibnizian unpublished works; the relation between logic and theory of knowledge, also from an epistemological point of view; the conception of “first philosophy” in the respective meanings; the relation between the themes of Husserlian formal ontology and the logical-ontological structure of Leibniz’s thought; the philosophical method by Leibniz and the related concepts of analysis and synthesis, beginning from their redefinition in Husserlian phenomenology; the rationalist and empiristic sources in Leibniz’s and Husserl’s thought; the relation between truth of reason and truth of fact; the Leibnizian monadology and the Husserlian treatment of intersubjectivity; the influence of Leibniz’s and Husserl’s ideas on contemporary philosophy of mind, artificial intelligence and cognitive science.

Submission can be made in English, French, German, and Italian and should not exceed 9,000 words including abstract, references and footnotes. Manuscripts should be prepared for anonymous refereeing and sent by email attachment in Microsoft Word format to [email protected] (all submissions will be acknowledged).

Deadline for submission: November 30, 2013.
Notification of acceptance, conditional acceptance, rejection: January 31, 2014.

Submitted manuscripts can be formatted in any clear and consistent style, but authors finalizing their papers for publication will be required to hand in a final version that respects the journal’s stylistic rules (download Style guidelines). Final version due: February 28, 2014.

Submission of a manuscript is understood to imply that the paper has not been published before and is not being considered for publication by any other journal. The publication of the papers implies that authors waive the copyright; they could request the copyright to the journal for future publication of them.

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