CFP: Are Evil Geniuses Possible? Society of Christian Philosophers Eastern Region Meeting 2021 (Virtual)
Submission deadline: January 10, 2021
Conference date(s):
March 6, 2021
Conference Venue:
Florida State University
United States
Topic areas
Are Evil Geniuses Possible?
Keynote Speakers:
- Candace Vogler, University of Chicago
- Robert Roberts, Baylor University (Emeritus)
We welcome and encourage papers on any philosophical topic. We especially welcome submissions that fall under the broad theme of the conference, including but not limited to the relationship between practical and theoretical virtue and whether, and to what extent, insights from one can illuminate the other.
- Is there a relationship between practical and intellectual virtue? If so, what does it amount to?
- Do failures to cultivate one help predict failures in cultivating the other?
- Can someone devote his life to the poor and destitute and also be a conspiracy theorist? Conversely, are evil geniuses possible?
- Do the pursuits of excellence in living and believing draw from a common source?
- To what extent does being a good scientist, for example, depend on one's having cultivated charity, humility, etc.?
We have five slots open for submitted presentations.
Complete papers (4,000 words, maximum) on any topic of philosophical interest will be considered. We welcome submissions from both Christians and non-Christians as presenters and participants. All submissions should be prepared for blind review and saved as either Word or PDF files.
In your submission email, please use the subject heading “SCP 2021 Submission.”
Please send all submissions no later than January 10th. We will do our best to issue a response by February 8th
NOTE: There will be a $500 award for the best paper by a student.
Please send submissions and any questions you may have to: Paul Rezkalla at [email protected]