CFP: Equality for Immigrants in Theory and Practice

Submission deadline: January 25, 2021

Conference date(s):
April 28, 2021

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Conference Venue:

Malmö högskola
Malmö, Sweden

Topic areas


This is a call for abstracts to the 2021 PhD Lead Workshop on Norms and Values, organized by the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM), held online via Zoom on April 28th-29th. The workshops are led by PhD students, but participants at any academic level are welcome to submit abstracts.

About the panel

Equality is a venerable political value. But its implications for migration policy are contested. Some claim that equality requires that states open their borders; others maintain that current citizens have special egalitarian obligations towards compatriots, which justify migration control. Some contend that state policies relegate migrants to second-class social status; others deny that differences in migration status amount to differences in social status. This panel will explore the debates on these implications, that the nature and value of equality have for the ethics of immigration. It will consider what equality for immigrants might mean and what achieving it might require of states and other actors.

This call for abstracts welcomes submissions considering, for example, the following questions: what kind of equality (“relational” or “distributive”, e.g.) is at stake in normative debates about immigration? Do the demands of equality apply between citizens and prospective immigrants? How ought equality to constrain immigration admissions? Which procedures for selecting between immigrants are compatible with equality? Which immigration enforcement policies (if any) are consistent with treating both citizens and immigrants as equals? What must be done to create the conditions under which immigrants may live as equals in their new societies? How do current state policies create inequalities between immigrants and citizens? Do the demands of equality ground a claim to citizenship on the part of undocumented persons? This list is non-exhaustive and submissions on related topics are welcome.

If you are interested in participating in this panel, please submit an anonymized abstract of no more than 300 words, along with an email including your name, title and affiliation to [email protected]. The format of this particular panel is pre-read. Abstracts should therefore be suitable for development into a short paper accompanied by a brief (5-10min) presentation. Submissions from philosophers and political theorists from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged. The deadline for submission is January 25th, 2021. All proposals will be considered by the panel chairs, and selected abstracts will be notified by February 1st, 2021.

Key dates
• Abstracts submission deadline: January 25th 2021
• Notification sent to participants: February 1st 2021
• Final submission of papers: April 15th 2021
• Workshops held on zoom: April 28th -29th 2021

If you have any questions regarding the panel, please contact the Panel Chair at [email protected].

This workshop is organised by the IMISCOE funded research initiative on norms and values in migration and integration (NOVAMI) in collaboration with the H2020 project NoVaMigra (Norms and Values in the European Migration and Refugee Crisis) as well as the research schools of Global Politics and International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER) at Malmö University.

Panel Chair:
Daniel Sharp

The workshop organising committee consists of:
Caroline Adolfsson
Johan Ekstedt

Advisory committee:
Brigitte Suter
Ingrid Jerve Ramsøy
Michael Strange

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