CFP: The Thin Red Line

Submission deadline: February 13, 2013

Conference date(s):
April 13, 2013

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

University of Glasgow
Glasgow, United Kingdom

Topic areas


This is a one-day workshop dedicated to the theory of the Thin Red Line in the semantics for future contingents. This theory holds that one of the histories (or 'branches') in a branching-time model for temporal-modal languages should be formally distinguished as the 'actual' course of events. This controversial view has been strongly criticised in the recent literature, with both logical/semantic as well as metaphysical objections raised. This workshop is dedicated to investigating the strengths and weakness of these objections, and of the fundamental viability or otherwise of the Thin Red Line theory.

Papers should be suitable for a 40 minute presentation, to be followed by a questions and answers session. Please send submissions to: [email protected].

Any questions, also email [email protected].

Supporting material

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