CFP: Scenari - Wittgenstein and Austrian culture
Submission deadline: April 15, 2021
Scenari aims to propose itself as a cultural reference for heterogeneous disciplinary fields in dialogue with each other: contemporary philosophy (Aesthetics, Theoretical Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy), Cinema and New Media, and Visual Culture Studies.
Scenari presents the reader with in-depth arguments on topics such as image theories, approaches to virtual reality, visual intelligence, gender ideology, music, intermediation. Without privileging a particular philosophical current, the journal tries to investigate possible points of intersection between European continental philosophy and Anglo-American traditions.
Wittgenstein and Austrian culture
Edited by Silvia Capodivacca
2021 is an important year for Wittgenstein’s scholars: in fact, it marks the hundredth anniversary of the publication of the Tractatus, as well as the 70th anniversary of the philosopher’s death. His work, his biography, his kaleidoscopic personality deeply resonates with Austrian culture which, precisely in the period of the author’s life, has outlined some of the most significant cultural features of our time. The conference aims at intercepting and making sense of the convergence between Wittgenstein and Viennoise “apocalypse joyeuse.” Austria is a country that, more than any other in Europe, at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries promoted the most disparate avant-gardes in many fields of knowledge—from literature to physics, from psychology to music, from visual arts to theater, from architecture to philosophy. Wittgenstein is undoubtedly to be counted among the few who not only have fully understood, but who have been able to take a voice in this happy Babel of knowledge, promoting its multifaceted development.
Proposals should be sent to and need to include:
- title and abstract (max 500 words);
- 5 keywords;
- brief bio;
- email address.
Proposals may be submitted in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Deadline for submitting proposals: 15th April 2021
Notification of acceptance: 2nd May 2021
Deadline for submitting full article (min. 30.000, max 40.000 characters): 15th July 2021