ASA FCC Summerfest Symposium
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The ASA Feminist Caucus Committee is pleased to announce the FCC Summerfest Symposium on June 24-25, 2021. It will be held virtually on Zoom and open to all who pre-register.
Call for Proposals: The FCC invites proposals (300 words) for the "Battle of the Generations: Generation Z, Millennials, Gen-Xers, Boomers, and the Silent Generation Debate Feminist Aesthetics."
Feminist Aesthetics aims for inclusivity, yet with every feminist wave comes new attitudes that sometimes makes it difficult for our views to withstand the test of time. With “Battle of the Generations,” we hope to inspire aestheticians to explore topics that they find difficult to explain to different generations with the view to make our standpoints both understood and relevant to others.
In order for this to succeed, we want to have plenty of representatives from every generation, so please send us your proposal (300 words) so that we can organize panels and talks. Depending on what papers participants propose, we imagine combining 40-minute talks with panels (3-4 20-minute presentations) spread over two days. We plan to use the longer papers to pitch a special issue to JAAC focused on intergenerational feminist aesthetics. If JAAC accepts our special issue proposal, then authors will have time (and feedback) to develop shorter papers into longer-format papers. We want to hear from you!
Proposal deadline: March 15, 2021
For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us at Gemma Argüello at [email protected] or Sue Spaid at [email protected].
June 22, 2021, 5:00am MST
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#Aesthetics Events, #Feminist Philosophy Events