CFP: The War on Terror Then and Now: Twenty Years After 9/11
Submission deadline: June 30, 2021
Conference date(s):
October 13, 2021 - October 15, 2021
Conference Venue:
Department of English and Philosophy, The United States Military Academy, West Point
West Point,
United States
Topic areas
CALL FOR UNDERGRADUATE PAPERS (Extended to 30 June 2021)
West Point’s 2021 Ethics of War and Peace Conference:
“The War on Terror Then and Now: Twenty Years After 9/11”
The United States announced a Global War on Terror in the wake of the attacks on 11 September 2001, which has taken various shapes over the last twenty years. This conference will reflect on the ethical dimensions of the history of this war, its current state, and its possible futures. Ethically (and pragmatically) there seem to be limits to what military power can do regarding terrorism. What is its appropriate role? And what is not? What is the proper end state and what is military power’s relation to it? Does terrorism generate special moral permissions for those combating it? Who might share responsibility for terrorist acts beyond terrorists themselves? Does international law effectively address terrorism? These are among the possible questions to be taken up at our conference on 13-15 October 2021 at West Point.
The Department of English and Philosophy at the United States Military Academy is seeking undergraduate student papers of the highest quality to be presented at this conference. While submissions on the above theme are encouraged, papers on any topic relevant to the law, politics, or ethics of war and peace are welcome. The conference is a unique event that combines presentations by undergraduates with talks by senior scholars and military professionals. Students whose papers are selected will present them to an audience of interested peers, military officers, and academic specialists. Additionally, the West Point Journal of Politics and Security will publish the strongest undergraduate papers in a special issue devoted to the conference.
Please submit complete papers of 2000-3500 words in PDF format by 30 June 2021 to Major Derrick Jerke at [email protected]. Acceptances will be sent out in early August. Registration fees for undergraduate speakers will be waived, but they will be responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses. Accepted papers will also be considered for remote presentation if travel is not affordable.